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Showing posts from August, 2014

Secret of losing weight fast in New York City

Did our conventional wisdom that "you eat too much, you gain weight, so stop eating and you should lose weight" fail us? If it is as simple as eat less, exercise more, why is it that up to 70% of the entire population of the United States are either overweight or obese? Could it be that we are fighting the wrong war? What if there is something more sinister metabolic process that is causing the weight gain and eating is not the direct cause but a response on the part of the body to this metabolic process? Studies have shown that up to 71% of the population are insulin resistant. Understanding the true cause of weight gain helps change what really is causing the weight gain! Of the 71%, half of them or about 35% of the entire population have metabolic syndrome with central or abdominal weight gain, along with a few other changes in the blood work as noted in the picture.  Insulin resistance causes weight gain and not the other way around! The tra...